Mission Statement
I AM committed to restoring the Goddess to her rightful place & her purpose is to assist Mother Gaia and all her children in their path towards Ascension into the 5D dimension.
My work is specifically designed to empower all beings to step into their highest potential as divine, limitless and precious souls that they are. Each Meditation is an initiation to a high vibrational frequency of energy that aligns you with the higher aspects of yourself.
On this path, we work directly with our BELOVED I AM PRESENCE, learning, mastering and embodying the sacred teachings of Christ Consciousness (Oneness energy) containing their own unique vibration and teachings for mastery.
These meditations transcends time and space and are portals to your soul, awakening and assisting you on your journey back to yourself. Designed to awaken the Light codes within your DNA.
The Cosmic Light encoded is transmitted both in and around my words, and the gaps between my words, mantras, toning and sounds which attune you to the sacred flames, light geometry and Rays of the Ascended Masters.
As you attune yourself to the frequency and vibration of each sacred flame, Ray, God/Goddess, Ascended Master you become an initiate and member of the Holy order - family of Light, presenting you with the opportunity for joy and understanding that is unsurpassed in our evolution. Not only that, but you become one with the ever-expanding council of energies that are guiding and supporting our Beloved Mother Earth in her own awakening and Ascension.
Attending these Golden Rose meditations on a regular basis with
dedication, commitment and devotion, assists you in a most
profound way bringing you greater balance and grace as well as
contributing to the purification and raising of your vibration and
consciousness accelerating you own pathway and Ascension process.
As we do so, we become beacons of Light joined energetically
with our brothers & sister’s around the planet doing the same.
It is with our active participation that we can expand
and manifest the ascension the Earth & her peoples into a
fifth-dimensional frequency – and birth a New Earth into being by
ethereally entering our sacred temple 'The Church of Love'
I invite and welcome you to the rebirth of the Church of Love.
All content Copyright © 2024 The Golden Rose Galaxy