​Bring a wellness day event to the work place.
Many companies are now adopting holistic approaches to include, meditation, breath-work and much more to better care for their employees on a regular basis.
According to CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) Health & Wellbeing at work "most organisations increasing their focus on health and wellbeing and doing their best to support people in a holistic way. Many are investing considerable resources in employee wellbeing but are not fully realising the benefits. More will realise a greater return on their investment if they take a systematic and preventative approach.
A standout finding from our research is the marked increase in sickness absence; at 7.8 days on average per employee per year, this is the highest level in a decade and two days more than we recorded in 2019 (5.8 days). Read more.
Stress continues to be one of the main causes of absence Stress continues to be one of the main causes of short- and long-term absence. Furthermore, CIPD research shows that psychological, mental ill-health and stress are now the main causes of long-term absences and the main risks to employee health.
A focus on employee health and wellbeing should be a core element of any HR strategy. Employers must ensure they take a more strategic approach to supporting the health and well-being of their employees on a regular basis and not on one-off initiatives.
As a result of this reality, The Golden Rose Galaxy recognizes that an integrated approach to well-being can increase employee engagement, happiness, improve productivity and a cohesive work space.
Many companies are now adopting holistic approaches to include, meditation, breath-work and much more to better care for their employees on a regular basis.
Bring a sound therapy into your place of work.
Sound Journey is a great way to help to harmonize and recharge your entire team.
The intention is provide a peaceful sense of bliss and fulfilment and allow employees to dive deep into a state of deep relaxation, stress release and connection to themselves which will help things flow with grace and ease as individuals and this will strengthen the team as a whole.
No group is too big or too small, and together we come up with a plan to best serve your team and your company’s vision on a regular basis.