About the Golden Rose Galaxy
“As above, so below; as within so without”.
Rooted on hermetic philosophy, anthroposophy & Theosophy, the Golden Rose Galaxy teachings are based on the Hermetic aphorism "As within, so without" meaning that thoughts, words, beliefs and images that we hold in our conscious and subconscious mind will manifest its mirror likeness in our external circumstance and upon the idea that if you want to heal the Earth, first heal Thy self and as you heal Thy self, you heal the Earth for we are One.
These teachings are sacred and encoded with an active vibration of Love, to heal, experience and activate profound Divine Love from within your being (DNA) as well as downloading sacred wisdom and abilities, and as such will only resonate to the few pure hearted beings deeply committed to their evolutionary path towards Ascension.

About Sound journeys group sessions
The Golden Rose Galaxy Sound Journey sessions use the principle that individual consciousness affects collective consciousness (Maharashi Effect). Using group coherence through intention, gratitude and love we energetically work towards planet Liberation and Ascension.
Ascension refers to the Alchemical marriage or Divine Union of your human-self with your 'I AM presence' through the process of purification of the misqualification of God's energy throughout our incarnations.
Are you whiling to transform your fears into Love in order to ride the Wave of Ascension with the Earth in Grace and Dignity?
I invite you to join us as we work vibrationally and etherically across timelines (Lemurian, Atlantis, Egypt, the Indigenous, and Essenes frequency of the New Golden Light).
Only those with a pure heart & authentic purpose will be open and receptive of this work and you know deep down why you felt it within you to come forth.
This is NOT for you if you feel resistant, judgemental and closed in any way, ONLY attend if you are ready to surrender to your own Divinity as everyone entering this Holy space becomes an beneficiary of Divine Grace, an instrument of Thy peace and a Sovereign Christed Being illuminating the Earth and her peoples.
All content Copyright © 2024 The Golden Rose Galaxy